English, Math
French, Science, Social Science
and more
Proudly serving students in Canada, the USA, and China
1-647-560-6398 (Canada)
167 364 77168 (中国热线)
Academic Writing
The Academic Writing program aims to help students improve their academic writing through assignments and learning activities that emphasize logical organization, stylistic clarity, and grammatical precision. These skills will be developed as students read and analyze texts from different genres, such as print and visual media, short stories, and novels.
We will learn how to analyze literature and interact with the historical and cultural discourses literary texts engage. Students will be introduced to various schools of literary criticism from which they can approach a text, and they will apply these theories to conduct literary analyses of their own. We will cover the basic elements of the essay (thesis statement, topic sentences, paragraph structure, as well as grammar and style) and explore how these are adapted in different types of academic essays (such as expository, narrative, persuasive, etc.). We will also devote time to honing the process of planning, preparing, and writing an academic essay in order to better engage with a topic, think critically about it, find a perspective and opinion on it, and present that perspective to the readers in a clear and logical way.
Winter Semester Programs Tuition & Discount
Standard Tuition: $825/22 lessons
Multi-program discount: additional $20 off each course
Earn $20 credits for your WINTER programs by posting the Wells Academy program information on social media (such as Facebook, Instagram, WeChat, etc.) and collecting 20 likes or more.
Refer your friends to Wells Academy programs and earn credit $20 per person.
冬季课程学费 & 优惠
标准学费:$825 加元/22次课
同时报课两门以上:每门课优惠 $20
在社交媒体(如 Facebook、Instagram、微信等)上发布和转发威斯学院课程信息,集赞20或以上, 可以获得威斯学院credit $20 用于冬季课程。
向同学朋友推荐威斯学院课程,每成功推荐一人报课可以获得credit $20